Editor's Note

Welcome to the 7th issue of the Teen Dispatch!

It’s the month of June now. In light of pride month, we have an article by Shreya Singh bringing attention to the Trans Youths in the state of Arkansas and how Arkansas bans Gender-Affirming Treatments to Trans Youths. With the constant doubt all students face having to make life-changing decisions (like college and subject choices), Archie Khanduja has written an article on ‘A Life of Maybes’. One of our third-time writers, Oshin Likha, has interviewed a youth-led organisation called Zephyr. Zephyr aims to reform the perception of Menstrual Education (mainly in India), and Oshin has encapsulated their objectives, ideals and plan of action through a short 6-minute read.

We also have an article by Inaayat Grewal, on how Zimbabwe’s Currency Crisis of 2008 helped foster Mobile Money in Africa, making it the leading nation in Mobile Money today. The Teen Dispatch is proud to announce that we will be having an ongoing column by Teista Dwivedi and Vidushi Mohan, called The Sex-Ed Chronicles. Every issue they will be covering new areas of sexual education, in this month’s issue, it is Contraception.

Take a break from your busy schedule, and make sure to read each of the articles of the Teen Dispatch’s latest issue.

I hope you enjoy it!


Tahira Kaur Dhillan