The Girl in the Mirror

Looking at a reflection

You won't believe what just happened. I’m standing here in my bathroom - my music blasting on its highest volume and I can feel my heart matching the beat. Then I see myself in the mirror and my reflection looking back at me. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it’s just an everyday thing. BUT THAT'S THE POINT. She's there every day - without a fail.

She's on the brink of tears as she watches me trying to control mine. She flashes her pearls back at me when I smile. She calls me pretty when I compliment her. She checks herself out when I do.

No matter how hard I fall, she's there. No matter how hurt I am, she's there. I disappoint everyone, but she's. She’s always there.

Last time we were jamming she said, "I wonder what it's like to be loved by you".

I've been ruthless with her at times. Shamed her for looking the way she does. Been disgusted with her for crying over all the little things. But today all I could think about was if I can appreciate someone else's body what makes her so different? If I can understand and help someone else with their problems, why not her?

She’s my biggest inspiration - always has and always will be. When I look at her scars and into her eyes, I don't see pity nor worry nor weakness. All I see is strength. Her scars are what give her that power today and I couldn't have been a prouder original looking into my mirror.

I'm still looking at her while I write this - she looks so happy! It's about her, finally about her!


Gaurisa Dhawan

(Grade 10)