Vaccine Deception

Debunking anti-vaccine claims

With the third wave of Covid 19 on the rise, a lot of misinformation is circulating along with several conspiracy theories regarding the vaccine. Vaccination programs are still assumed as unsafe and unnecessary by many individuals across the globe. The bizarre conspiracies include how the Covid vaccine alters your DNA, causes Covid-19 variants, leads to the deaths of many, and has a microchip in it to track you. Such views on immunisation have come into existence due to lack of education, anti-medicinal religious beliefs and historical racial attacks through vaccines.

These anti-vaccinal claims reach a peak when an influential person supports their train of thought. This list includes stars like Nicki Minaj, Robert Schneider, Anwar Hadid, Offset and various others. Some are vocal about their displeasure with the vaccine, while others just quietly don’t get it. Novak Djokovic – a tennis world champion - has made headlines with his anti-vaccine approach. He entered Australia - a country where being vaccinated is essential to enter - without vaccination, met with fans while positive, and lied about covid test reports. After an 11-day court battle, the tennis star was forced to leave the country and banned from entry for the next 3 years. Some say such an intense punishment is essential, to drive people to get vaccinated.

Social media is also a strong tool for anti-vaxxers. About 65% of vaccine misinformation on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook comes from twelve individuals who are now referred to as “The Disinformation Dozen”. They have made money through anti-vaccine content, selling dietary supplements with unproven health claims, and pushing anti-vaccine myths. The good news is that if most of the anti-vaccine content originates from just 12, nipping the problem cannot be that hard.

Anti-vaccine movements have led to a drop in vaccine rates, re-emergence of essentially eliminated diseases like measles, a spike in Covid cases, and widespread distrust and distress. Educating the public on the benefits of vaccines is mandatory if we want to go back to a pre-covid world.


Aradhya Dhyani

(Grade 11)