Nature's cycle of love

What love can do

As humans we get used to someone
Get used to their tree of love.
And every day that a leaf falls,
It brings us joy
A tiny fragment of their feelings exposed to us

But one day…
That one still autumn day
Where the tree lays bare because
All the leaves are gone.
That love you were receiving so customarily
It’s not there anymore.

You’ll have a cold winter
Where when you call out to them
you hear your voice echo off
the mist hanging low in the air
And you’ll retreat to your little hole.
Waiting for that sleep to takeover and freeze the bitterness

But once you’re out of that hibernation.
Out of that trance of frost and desolation,
You’ll see the bud of love
Because its spring
And soon enough the warmth will surround you
And if you return that love that warmth
Maybe you’ll become the flower you always wished to see.


Gaurisa Dhawan

(Grade 11)