No Risks, No Problems

A life of no risks

A person only gets one life and one family. If you lose someone or something that is dear to you, then you will never get it back. You live to a hundred if you are lucky, but not everyone is. In a world of global warming, pandemics and over-population – our life and our planet are already at stake, so why make things worse by taking risks.

A life full of cautious progress is not only better than a life full of risks but a safer option. We study in school for 14 years and then in college for another 2-4 years. We study, then we work and then we try and provide for a possible family. We spend hours preparing for this stability – to one day put it on the line? No, we do it so that so we can cautiously progress in life.

You may not always succeed in life but can always work hard towards it with what you have. If you risk it all and possibly lose it all, then restarting from scratch is much harder. When you live a life full of risks you are not only risking yourself but all those connected to you – be it, family or friends.

People say that you have to risk all to gain all, but what if you risk all to lose everything? A life of risks is like a game of poker, illogical and uncertain. You can bet all your money (all your chances), on the possibility of getting lucky (succeeding), and if you do than hurray! But more often than not, you don’t – and end up losing more than you bet on.

Instead of risking it all, play safe. Don’t do anything until you’re completely sure. And if you aren’t ever certain then it wasn’t meant to be.


Tahira Kaur Dhillon

(Grade 10)