Mundane Moments

Letting Go

I watched helplessly as their cold forms slipped through my hands, so small, so cruel. The mere sight of them left a bitter taste in my mouth, courtesy to our last encounter, and yet, I grasped at them in a frenzied panic.

"They're going to fall," my brain said to me, and for a second I believed it too, for they were right there at the edge of that dark, lifeless cavern, like everything else leftover. One little push and they would fall, be gone forever, become treacherous obstacles forever. I gritted my teeth. No! I was NOT going to let them go. The clock ticked in the distance. My eyes watered. The struggle felt hopeless, but then my hand found one of them, and then the other, and then the last. I let out a relieved sigh. My hand curled around them once more and then proceeded to throw them in the dustbin.

I drank the rest of my juice.

Stupid orange seeds!


Ananya Makker

(Grade 10)