Has Kamala Lived Up to the Hype?

How Biden’s VP proves a year and a half later

Joe Biden inaugurated Kamala Harris, of Jamaican Indian origin, as the vice-president of the United States of America on 20th January 2021. The 55-year-old former California attorney general became the first Black woman to be vice president of the country. And through the US elections, she stood as a pillar of change and progress. Now jumping forward a year and a half, let’s see what she’s accomplished.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris has worked in partnership with President Joe Biden to get America vaccinated, rebuild its economy, reduce child poverty, and pass an infrastructure law that will uplift communities. She has rallied broad coalitions to protect the freedom to vote, expanded workers’ rights to organize and collectively bargain, and stood up for women’s rights.

Her five biggest achievements:

  1. Addressing the underlying causes of the migration surge from Central America
  2. Casting 15 tie-breaking votes in 2021
  3. Passing the American rescue plan (a US$1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill)
  4. The first woman to be (Acting) President of the United States
  5. Involved in the fight for voting rights legislation

And yes, I can give you five places where she went wrong, but what would that achieve. All we must note is that she has accomplished so much by just being the first female Vice President – she has widened the scope of the playing field. And yes, she may have made mistakes along the way, but a lot of the president's assignments seem politically impossible to solve. So hopefully at the end of her and Biden’s 5-year term, we see a real and everlasting change in America.


Mahee Chandra

(Grade 12)