A Teen’s Mental Health

What does Mental Health stand for in a teenager’s life?

Every day feels the same. I wake up, I zone out, and suddenly it’s time for bed. I’m stuck in a loop of monotony and have no thirst for life. The truth is, I know a million words won’t bring me back because now all I do, is shake my head – now my throat has been tied into knots. I know a million tears won’t bring me back, because I’ve cried them – now I’m numb.

Human beings are like sponges, we get information, absorb it, and then send it forward. However, why do we lack this system when it comes to our emotions? Why do the angst and gloom have no escape? How did the sponge suddenly become a concrete wall? But suddenly, those unsaid emotions are affecting everyone around you.

Why do my parents look so concerned? Why am I not getting good grades? Why haven’t my friends texted me all week? In a flash, I’m re-analysing everything, and I start spiralling. I go to a dark place deep within my mind. But what if termination isn’t the solution?

How do I know that the afterlife is peaceful? I’m here for a reason, I’m alive for a purpose. I didn’t just randomly get plonked on Earth. There must be a plan that is unfolding and will soon be my saviour. I don’t have to do anything but enjoy and let it happen.

My destiny will unfold, no matter what – letting go is the wrong choice. If you think nobody cares about you and that no one will be affected once you’re gone, think harder. If not everyone, at least 5 people exist who would die for you and be broken by your absence. It’s not called trust issues with people, it’s trust issues with yourself – tell that voice in your head that it’s no longer welcome. Congratulations, you just conquered the first step to healing.

Right now, you’re a caterpillar, not yet flying like a butterfly, but surely progressing. The battle is between you and yourself – for yourself. At the end of the day, you must allow what you’ve been through to boost your growth rather than stunt it.

You may fall many times, but you will get up stronger each time (even if by a centimetre).


Shivika Anand

(Grade 10)